The winter solstice is the gateway to Christmas celebrations. It is the moment when the sun reaches its furthest point and begins to slowly return again. It is the day when the night is the longest and the day is the shortest. A moment of greatest darkness, but at the same time a symbol of the return of light.
The birth of Jesus is the birth of the sun returning to us.
The entire period from All Souls' Day to the winter solstice is very dark and withdrawn. It is a period when we are more withdrawn into ourselves. It's natural to us, and if we resist it and try to live like it's midsummer, it will only bring us sickness and depression.
The solstice itself is then the climax, when the sun stops.
The longest night has the most magical powers, the boundaries between our world and the underworld disappear.
Just as nature rests, we should also multiply. Realize the end of the year, calm down and listen to your own wisdom.
How to adapt the practice of yoga to this time?
Meditation & yoga practise is a great way to calm down and look into yourself.
Join me for Yoga & Mediation
Friday 22.12. at 6:30pm CET
Online at meet 🙏🏻
Contact me for more informations🙏🏻
Veronica ❤️