Saturday 12th June 2021 - 18:00 to 20:30 hrs.
Acroyoga poses, teaching in fun and safe environment, together with yoga, warm ups, partner drills, games, inversions, acroyoga and thai massage at the end.
Combining acrobatics, yoga and therapeutics.
Acroyoga connects people, improve communication, body awareness, mutual trust and self confidence. Increase strength, flexibility and fitness levels. Acroyoga can makes you feel light as a feather or rooted like a tree.
This practice is based on listening, trust and respect, and it's mainly about exploring and expanding your physical and psychological limits, overcoming fears when stepping out of your confort zone and building trust and connection with others.
All levels are welcome.
English/ Spanish workshop.
- No need previous experience.
- No need to bring a partner.
Instructor: Veronica
Price: 25 €/person
Advance booking required, limited space.
Booking online or at reception desk:
Ashram Yoga Studio in Santa Eulália
Namaste Verónica 🙏🏻❤️